Posts written by angelofarina

view post Posted: 20/11/2015, 21:19 Aurora for audacity - Request for Help
It is trivial: first install PlayOnMac (it is free), and then from PlayOnMac you launch the installer of Cooleditpro (or, better, Adobe Audition 1.5, which is the "final version" of Cooleditpro).
Audition 1.5 is indeed till now the best platform, for me, for running Aurora Plugins... Even on OSX!

Second, you can also use Audacity 2.0.0 in Yosemite. It is not anymore available on the Audacity web site, but you can grab a copy of it from my web site:

I also run Yosemite on my Macbook Pro, and Audacity 2.0.0 is here up and running, alongside with Audition 1.5...
view post Posted: 30/10/2015, 22:35 IACC in msec or? - Usage
We did not compile the 2.0.5 version, this code was done by another member of the Audacity developer team, so we do not know what he did inside the 2.0.5 version of the modules...
We did never use them, I always employ only software written by me!
view post Posted: 30/10/2015, 21:24 IACC in msec or? - Usage
No, I don't use Audacity 2.0.5, as it does not have support for ASIO soundcards...
view post Posted: 30/10/2015, 20:08 crash when doing Acoustical parameters... - General
The pint is that the module also attempts to compute T30, and it crashes when it cannot. So a minimum S/N ratio of 50 dB should always be available.
indeed, with the ESS signal, it is quite easy to have a S/N ratio in excess of 70 dB, so i do not see the problem. Just use a longer sweep,i f the loudspeaker is not powerful enough and the background noise is large...
How long is your sweep signal?

Or, if you prefer pulsive sources, good firecrackers can give you even higher S/N ratios (albeit at the price a less-flat frequency response)....
view post Posted: 30/10/2015, 19:50 IACC in msec or? - Usage
Did you check the correct values with the Aurora for Audition version?
I just did a cmpartive etst myself, and i did find none of your porblmes. the IACC values are substantially the same with both version (Audacity 2.0.0 with ASIO, Audition 1.5, my favourite versions of both programs).
Look here:



The Binaural IR used for the test is here:
view post Posted: 30/10/2015, 11:27 crash when doing Acoustical parameters... - General
Acoostical Parameters works accordingly to ISO 3382 standard, and expects that the piece of signal being analyzed contains a good room impulse response, measured according to that standard.
This means a wide band impulse response, covering at least 6 octave bands 125 Hz to 4 kHz, having a signal to noise ratio of at least 50 dB in each band.
And the signal being analyzed should contain the initial silence corresponding to a time length which is the travel time form source to receiver, and a piece of background noise at the end, after the impulsive signal decayed completely.
Please, read carefully the ISO 3382 standard before attempting to perform room acoustical measurements with Aurora...
view post Posted: 30/10/2015, 11:23 mid-freqeuncy values and Gearly - General
Aurora is compliant with the current ISO 3382 standard. I invite you to read the standard for precise definition of the measurement procedures, type of microphones, etc.
"A" and "LIN" band are exactly what they are named, that is, the A-filtered signal and the LIN-filtered signal (20 Hz to 20 kHz, flat).
But it is possible to use the average of 4 octave bands instead of the "A-weighted" signal, specifying this option in the initial window of Acoustic Parameters.
This option is named "Average mode instead of A-weight", and averages in the bands 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 Hz.
view post Posted: 30/10/2015, 10:44 Using 'Setup' under 'Acoustical parameters' - Usage
The second picture shows wrong results. Why the hell do you want to press Setup when the computation was already done correctly?
Doing so, the software is told that the current measurement is the reference anechoic impulse repsonse of your system, and is subsequently used as a reference. But this IR was NOT a reference IR in anechoic conditions, so the software is being "foooled" by your action.
Simply don't do that!
view post Posted: 30/10/2015, 10:39 IACC in msec or? - Usage
IACC is displayed in % (range 0 .. 100)
When exported in Excel, the user chooses the format he prefers (absolute number 0..1, or %)
Those strange symbols indicate a division by zero error (that makes infinity).
It happens when the displayed parameter is a ratio (like ts) and the denominator is null.

It is always usuful to verify the behaviour of Aurora for Audacity (which is still in beta) comparing the results with the corresponding module of Aurora for Audition (which instead is slid and fully tested).

But if you are trying to process those horrible measurements you did show in the other post, then no surprise that you will get crazy results!
According to ISO 3382, a minimum Signal to Noise ratio of 50 dB is required fro computing acoustical parameters.
view post Posted: 30/10/2015, 10:37 Setup instructions - Installation & Setup
Of course, the displayed value is in % (range 0..100).
view post Posted: 30/10/2015, 10:35 impulse Response too short - Request for Help
Your measurements looks horrible, a very poor signal to noise ratio
Hence, probably, the module cannot detect the direct sound peak, as the peak to noise ratio is smaller than the detection threshold specified.
Of course, you can try to adjust the direct sound detection threshold, but the correct thing to do is to investigate why your measurements are so bad, and fix the problem in your measurement method...
view post Posted: 17/10/2015, 08:19 impulse Response too short - Request for Help
There was no picture visibile.. You must first upload it to Postimage for inserting it on a forum!
Apart that, the control about IR length is only triggered when you attempt to process multi-microphone impulse responses for which the calculation of spatial parameters makes sense, for example in the case of binaural measurements. For measurements performed with normal omni mics, this control is not done.
So, what kind of multi-channel measurement are you doing?

In any case, nothing forbids you to select a longer portion of signal, the "silence" (actually, background noise) before and after the impulse does not affect significantly the calculation of acoustical parameters.
view post Posted: 1/4/2015, 14:04 Aurora for Audacity Beta - General
Ti consiglio di installare Audacity 2.0.5, ed i relativi moduli Aurora compilati specificatamente per tale versione.
Spero tu abbia letto la cosa dei parametri internazionali di Windows, li hai correttamente impostati "all'inglese", vero?
E? spiegato qui sopra...
59 replies since 23/1/2013