Posts written by angelofarina

view post Posted: 16/5/2019, 11:31 Aurora for Audacity Beta - General
Why do you say that the modules are not working anymore? they are working perfectly here!
Juts download the good old Audacity 2.0.0 form the Aurora web site, possibly the version with ASIO support enabled (the password for unzipping is angelo), and then use Aurora without problems!

Angelo Farina
view post Posted: 13/5/2019, 08:24 Aurora for Audacity Beta - General
No, it is materially impossible, as the Audacity team removed "de facto" the possibility of adding additional modules. They made it so complex and so "secure" that noone will be able anymore to do this...
view post Posted: 24/12/2018, 10:30 aurora modules problema - General
The trick was explained above by Sebastian.
In this case you cannot launch just double clicking on it, You should instead right click on, select Show Contents, navigate to the Audacity executable and double click on it.
The Audacity executable is inside the subfolder Audacity/Contents/MacOS, as shown here:


This will open the terminal and launch the executable outside the stupid "secure" environment of High Sierra...
Then you can create a shortcut to it.
view post Posted: 21/12/2018, 12:02 Roon convolution filter - Request for Help
I have absolutely no idea what is Roon.
For performing cross-talk cancellation you need a matrix convolver, not a normal stereo convolver.
Aurora provides two of such matrix convolver plugins, one for Adobe Audition (up to version 3.0, hence in XFM format), and one for Audacity (this is more precisely a "module", not a plugin).
For other kind of software, we created a VST matrix convolver, called X-volver. It is free, and runs both on Windows and MAC OS. You can learn more about X-volver here:
view post Posted: 21/12/2018, 11:49 How to measure impulse responses with the Sine Sweep - Usage
It is trivial.
First of all, select all your waveforms (CTRL+A).
Then invoke the Effect - Aurora Convolver module, drag your recorded signal to "data" and the inverse sweep to "filter"....
view post Posted: 21/12/2018, 11:46 aurora modules problema - General
In realtą Aurora for Audacity si scarica qui:
Leggete con attenzione il file readme.txt, in particolare riguardo alle versioni di Audacity "legacy" supportate.
Le trovate da scaricare allo stesso indirizzo di cui sopra...
view post Posted: 1/6/2018, 13:18 auralizzazione - General
Secondo me non hai caricato la risposta all'impulso sulla clipboard di Windows. Di default, Cooledit o Audition non usano la clipboard di Windows, ma una loro clipboard interna.
Devi anzitutto impostare Cooledit o, meglio, Audition per usare la clippboard di Windows: Edit - set current clipboard.

Oppure usa Aurora per Audacity, e risolvi!
view post Posted: 12/4/2018, 07:34 How to measure impulse responses with the Sine Sweep - Usage
If you copy the XFM files in the same directory where Adobe Audition (1.5 or 3.0) is installed, the plugins will appear in the menus of Audition.
Alternatively, you can use Aurora for Audacity:
view post Posted: 7/1/2017, 17:11 crash when doing Acoustical parameters... - General
There is a reason for which the Aurora plugins for Audition are still labelled as "beta"...
The reason is that they were never fully debugged. Some minor bug randomly causes the modules to crash...
Nothing bad, indeed, as Audition has this nice "self recovery" feature: so after a crash you re-open Audition and you find all the open files undamaged.
Which indeed is the main reason for which I did not feel urged to debug accurately the Aurora plugins: these occasional crashes are a nuisance, of course, but they are not a real problem, thanks to Audition self-recovery capabilty...
view post Posted: 7/1/2017, 17:07 Aurora for Audacity Beta - General
I just upgraded to Sierra, I will look into your problems. But to me it appears that everything is working as normal, using Audacity 2.0.0.

Regarding Aurora for Audition: the latest version of Audition supported is 3.0. Then Adobe stopped the support for additional "native" XFM plugins, they now only support low-quality VST plugins, a format which is unsuitable for most of the Aurora plugins.
So I am sorry, there is no way to run the Aurora plugins under Audition CC. This is the main reason for which we moved to Audacity.
But then also Audacity stopped to support external modules, so we are stuck with Audition 3.0 and Audacity 2.0.0...
view post Posted: 3/12/2016, 13:13 Setup instructions - Installation & Setup
Yes, definitely wrong!
The .XFM files are the Aurora modules compiled for Adobe Audition (version 1.5 to 3.0).
You need Aurora for Audacity, the modules have an extension .so (both for OSX and for Linux). Aurora for Audacity can be downloaded here:
Please note that the latest version for MAC OSX is the one for Audacity 2.0.
view post Posted: 3/12/2016, 10:25 How to use convolver in Audacity [for Mac]? - Request for Help
The stereo recording of the sweep goes to Audio Data. The InverseSweep goes to Filter. The sweep is not needed anymore, it was useful for playing during the recording, but it is not required when convolving the recorded data with the InvSweep...
As your recording is Stereo and your InverseFilter is mono, you should specify the flag "One for All", so that the InverseFilter will be employed for filtering both channels of the stereo recording.
view post Posted: 3/12/2016, 10:20 Creating Inverse Filters - Request for Help
Exactly - The flatten spectrum plugin is somewhat obsolete... You can still retrieve it from the previous version, but now the Kirkeby inversion works better...
view post Posted: 28/11/2016, 13:20 Invert Kirkeby module - Usage
Sorry, the convowarp module does not support the 2x2 format for cross-talk cancelling filters...
view post Posted: 28/11/2016, 13:19 RMS level after convolution - Request for Help
Both when cresting the Kirkeby inverse filter and when employing the "convolve with clipboard" module there is an option for disabling auto-ranging, and employing a fixed gain for rescaling.
You should employ fixed gains in these operations, but I cannot tell you the correct values of these gains, you need to perform quite delicate experiments for finding them.
What I can say, is that, after some days of hard work, I have now a completely calibrated measurement chain, in which I play a calibrated and pre-equalized sine sweep through my sound card to my 32-channels spherical loudspeaker (a doechaedron is not really omnidirectional), and I record 32 channels through my Eigenmike. Then the recorded signals are convolved with a post-equalized inverse sweep, and finally the resulting IRs are analyzed with the Acoustical Parameters plugin.
The whole system is perfectly calibrated, and the resulting SPL values are within +/- 0.5 dB from the values of Leq measured with a B&K 2260 spectrum analyzer.
But reaching this required several hours of testing in the lab, and a number of measurements in the anechoic room for creating the inverse filters employed for pre-equalization and post-equalization.
Getting absolute calibration from equipment which was not really designed for calibrated acoustical measurements is feasible, but quite tricky!
And doing an error is easy, so always keep your good, old SLM by hand, for checking that the real SPL values correspond to those measured through the Aurora system.
59 replies since 23/1/2013